1 неделя
1.a.Present Simple: affirmative.
b.Present Simple: negative, interrogative.
c. Singular and plural nouns.
2.a.Adverbs of frequency.
c.Prepositions of time:your school day and year.
3.a.Present Continuous: affirmative.
b.Present Continuous: negative, interrogative.
c.Opposite adjectives: clothes.
4.a. Have to.
b.Contrast: Present Simple and Present Continuous.
c.Adjectives: opposites.
5.a.Past Simple: be.
b.Past Simple: regular.
c.Past Simple: irregular.
2 неделя
6. a.Past Simple: negative.
b.Past Simple: interrogative.
c.Phrasal verbs: computers.
7.a.There is/are, some any.
b.How much/how many, much, many, a lot, a few.
c.Adjectives + preposition.
c.Collocations: travel.
9.a.Going to with future time expressions.
b.Will for future and make predictions.
c.Noun suffixes.
10.a.Present Perfect for recent events.
b.Present Perfect: negative and interrogative (already, yet).
c.Collocations with do, make, have, take.